If a school is designated as "assigned" on your property page, it means that the information that we received from our data provider shows that this school is the assigned school for that address. If you do not see "assigned" next to the school name, it simply means that this is the school geographically closest to your home.
All of our school information is syndicated directly to Trulia through automated data uploads. Because of this, we are unable to make manual updates to the school information that is presented.
Information regarding school boundaries, attendance zones, and other demographics changes frequently. This information displayed on Trulia is compiled from various sources and is for general informational purposes only. You should not use such information in determining the legal eligibility to attend any particular school or school system or to use or benefit from any other services provided by or on behalf of any city, town, county, state or other governmental entity, or any other service dependent upon residence within a given geographical area.