My Contacts is one Trulia tool that can delight your current clients and make real connections with the buyers and sellers who search on Trulia. With my contacts you can:
Import Contacts to Your Trulia Network
With just one click you can convert your Trulia leads and contacts from Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and AOL into Trulia contacts to make way for super-easy communication. And if you don’t manage your connections with one of the aforementioned platforms, it’s no problem. You can also upload your contacts from a CSV file with ease.
Send Listing Stats to Your Sellers
The Client Listing Report is the Trulia tool most beloved by agents and sellers. They’re easy to setup, and can be automatically delivered each week so you can relax while you keep in touch and keep your current clients up-to-date.
Send Listing Alerts to Clients & Prospects
The Listing Alerts is yet another tool that’s easy to create and automate. Input your buyer or contact search criteria and they’ll receive alerts from you when matching properties are found on Trulia.
Request Recommendations from Your Connections
Trulia Social Search is our latest and greatest feature designed to help you generate referrals from clients through Trulia and Facebook. More recommendations from past clients and friends mean more exposure in our Directory of Professionals to buyers and sellers in their social networks, so import your contacts and start requesting the praise you’ve already earned.
Click here to import your contacts so you can take advantage of these tools and increase your chances of making a contact or client into a lifelong connection.